Manu light S.r.l. with registered office at Viale R. Rubettino , 33 - 88049 Soveria Mannelli (Cz ) , registered with the Register of Companies of Catanzaro ( P. IVA 02967750791 ), the owner of the site .
Not able to guarantee the perfect representation of the products on the website , in particular because of the differences in performance of the colors from the Internet browsing software and / or display screens , Manu light Srl can not be held liable for the photographs that appear on the site.
There may also be differences between the products delivered and those represented on the site , mainly for craft products for which the homogeneity of production can not be absolutely guaranteed . These differences , from the moment they do not concern the essential characteristics of the products and do not affect their quality , they can not justify a cancellation of the order or a refusal of delivery. The products are guaranteed against any lack of conformity and latent defects under the conditions stipulated by the provisions of the Consumer Code and the Civil Code.

All prices are expressed in Euro , including VAT, excluding transport costs : the latter will be displayed before confirming the order .
In case of publication of the incorrect price Customer will be contacted to verify willingness to purchase at the correct price or to cancel the order . In this last case Manu light S.r.l. will refund the amount paid by the customer , excluding any right of the Customer to damages / compensation.

If an order , although confirmed , exceeds the amount present in the warehouse Manu light Srl notify within 72 hours of the lack of availability and the possible waiting for the fulfillment of the order , if the customer does not agree to wait as long as necessary for the delivery of the contract will be terminated and Manu light Srl provide for the immediate reversal of payment , excluding any right of the Customer to damages / compensation.

All orders will be processed with the commercial invoice.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ">Customer Service is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 at the numbers 0968.662124 - 0968.355726 or email address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The costs are calculated according to the weight and size of the parcel and its destination , but in any case, the costs will be calculated and displayed in the shopping cart at the time of the order , inclusive of VAT .
Manu light S.r.l. chose to keep shipping costs separate from the price of the product to ensure maximum transparency .

Manu light S.r.l. strives to deliver the products within 5/6 working days after confirmation of payment order ( Sundays and holidays excluded).
We do not accept deliveries to PO boxes or poste restante .
Manu light S.r.l. sent by express courier BRT . Upon shipment we will provide the tracking number to track your order so quick and easy. BRT makes two delivery attempts . If the first is not successful BRT end leave , on the telephone or in the mailbox , a postcard with the number of the consignment to be disclosed BRT to arrange a new appointment for delivery.
Delivery is made to the road surface .

Upon delivery, the customer is required to verify that the package is not damaged and that it conforms to the standard features of a parcel. Any disputes must be raised immediately to the courier, in the absence of these, the product is considered delivered correctly .

Manu light S.r.l. accepts the following forms of payment:   


  •  Credit Card / PayPal
  • Bank transfer in advance
  • Cash on Delivery (COD)


Credit Card / PayPal
In case of purchase through the payment method Credit Card / PayPal at the end of the order the customer will be directed to the PayPal login page . The data entered on PayPal will be processed directly by itself and will not be forwarded or shared with Manu light Srl At no time during the purchase process Manu light Srl will be able to learn about the customer's financial information is transmitted through secure connection directly to the PayPal site . No archive of Manu light S.r.l. contain or retain such data.

Bank transfer in advance
Paying by bank transfer, goods will be shipped only after the amount has been credited in the bank account of Manu light Srl The reason appearing on the bank transfer must state the number and date of the order , the name and surname of the customer . The bank and the header mode of the transfer will be communicated in the confirmation email that will be sent to the customer order . If within 8 days of receipt of order confirmation Manu light Srl will not receive the payment, the order will be canceled.

Paying on delivery means the payment in cash to the courier upon delivery of the products. This form of payment will result in an additional flat fee of 5.00 € , clearly demonstrated in the choice of payment method. We do not accept payments by check or postal orders . The courier will only accept exact amounts corresponding to ' total amount of the order (you can not get the rest ) . In case of high amounts Manu light S.r.l. We reserve the right to request an advance payment of the total amount by bank as a security deposit .

All products sold by Manu light S.r.l. are covered by European warranty of two years for lack of conformity not evident at the time of purchase, in accordance with Decree 24/02 , in respect of the Consumer ( a natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business , craft or professional activity) . Warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse and improper use of the products.

CONSUMER CODE Legislative Decree 206/05
The lack of conformity which exists when the product is not intended to serve the purposes for which usually does not conform to the description or does not possess the quality promised by the seller , does not offer the quality and performance which are normal in goods of the same type , not is suitable for the particular use intended by the consumer if made ​​known to the seller at the time of purchase, and accepted by the seller (Article 129 of the Consumer Code ) . In case of lack of conformity, the consumer has the right to repair , without charge, the conformity of the goods by repair or replacement (Article 130 of the Consumer Code ) .

        primarily , to the repair or replacement, at its option, unless the remedy sought is not impossible or excessively expensive compared to another;        in the alternative (if the first two remedies are impossible or excessively burdensome , or have not been made ​​within a reasonable time , or previous repairs or replacements have caused significant inconvenience to the consumer ) , to demand a price reduction or termination of the contract .

        The remedy requested is " excessively burdensome" when it imposes costs on the seller unreasonable compared to the alternatives , taking into account the value of the property intact, the extent of the defect and the possibility of using alternative remedies without significant inconvenience to the consumer.        Any repair or replacement shall be completed within a reasonable time after the request of the consumer , the average time of delivery to the consumer of the product is 24 days . If, within the 60 days Manu light Srl was not able to return the repaired product , the Consumer may request an alternative remedies (replacement , termination of the contract , price reduction ) . And ' excluded any right of the Customer to damages / compensation.

Manu light S.r.l. recognizes the consumer who, for whatever reason , is not satisfied , the right of withdrawal as provided by law. This right can only be exercised by consumers; consequently, all purchases made for purposes unrelated to business or profession, ie where the inclusion of a reference to VAT in the order form , do not enjoy this right . The deadline to exercise this right is 10 working days from receipt of goods, time limit within which customer is required to return the goods and notify by registered A / R at: Manu light Srl , Viale R. Rubettino , 33-88049 Soveria Mannelli (Cz ) . To exercise the right of withdrawal is necessary that:
The client expresses its intention to exercise the right of withdrawal in the manner described above ;
The purchased is intact , unused, returned in their original packaging, complete in all its parts ( including any documentation and accessories: manuals , brochures , etc ...) ;
The product is delivered on time and in the manner described above . The costs of delivery shall be borne by the consumer. It is understood that the risks of transport for the return of the items are borne by the consumer.
After checking that the requirements for availing of withdrawal , we will re-credit the amount already paid by bank transfer to the account you indicated to our Customer Service The refund relates solely to the product price and will be made ​​no later than 30 days after when will return the goods for which you want to exercise the right of withdrawal .
The only costs are those borne by the Customer for the return of the product.

The personal information requested under the order are collected and processed in order to meet the expressed requirements of the customer and will not under any circumstances and no license to third parties . Manu light S.r.l. guarantees its customers the respect of rules on the processing of personal data covered by the Privacy Code referred to in Legislative Decree 196 of 30 June 2003.
The data controller is: Manu light Srl , Viale R. Rubettino , 33-88049 Soveria Mannelli (Cz ) .

The contract of sale between the customer and Manu light Srl is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal litigation arising from the conclusion of this contract of sale at a distance , if the customer is a consumer, the territorial competence is that of the reference hole of his town of residence in all other cases , the local jurisdiction is the only forum of Catanzaro.


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realizzazione lampade in tufo

Viale R. Rubbettino 33, 88049 - Soveria Mannelli (Cz)

Tel. e Fax: 0968.662124 -

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